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Friday, 28 October 2011

Convert your drive from FAT32 to NTFS file system

You may not know it, but choosing the right filesystem for your drives is actually pretty important. Although the main idea of all filesystems is the same, there are many advantages and disadvantages with each one.While there are lots of filesystems out there, we’ll be looking at the most popular two, FAT32 and NTFS.

About the Filesystems


FAT32 used to be the default filesystem for many of the older, non-NT versions of Windows, such as Windows 95, 98, and ME. The original FAT specification was introduced in 1980, while the compatible FAT32 specification was introduced in 1996. More recently, an incompatible exFAT specification has been introduced that is meant to replace the use of the old FAT.


Meanwhile, NTFS (or “New Technology File System”) was introduced in 1993, but has received many improvements over the years along with newer operating systems. While it is not used for removable storage (where FAT-type filesystems are prevalent), it is the best choice for hard drives because of the many features that it offers. The only reason NTFS is not used on removable storage is because it generates a lot of write operations to keep track of. Removing the storage device before those writes complete could potentially corrupt the data on the storage device.

NTFS Advantages Over FAT32

So what is it exactly that makes NTFS better? Unlike FAT32, NTFS is a journaling filesystem. The “journal” keeps track of changes before they actually happen, so in case the system crashes in the middle of a disc operation, disks with journaling filesystems are easier to recover.


If you want to change a drive from FAT32 to NTFS without formatting:
  (For example: Your System Drive [C:])

01. Open a Command Prompt Window
02. Type in the following:
03. CONVERT <driveletter:> /FS:NTFS /X
  (For your C: Drive = CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS /X)
04. Press ENTER.
05. If it is your C: Drive, the Convert Utility will ask to run on the next restart. Allow it to do so.

You may have to re-install some programs after converting your drive.</driveletter:>


Choosing the right filesystem is important not only for optimal functionality but also performance and piece of mind. With NTFS, you’re making a great choice for permanent storage devices that should let you use your computer to the fullest. In addition to the benefits of NTFS, many various operating systems including Mac OS X and Linux can work with NTFS, so why not use it?
Which filesystem do you prefer the most? Why? Let me know in the comments!


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