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Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Facebook Official Trick


Coolest Facebook Official Trick

So all of you use Facebook to interact with your Homies as I say in a gangsta language and you love to use it because it gives you a warm feeling of ur friends with you interacting and enjoying.
But who says we cannot have Fun with Facebook. Facebook do have some Easter eggs which make it a lot more Funny.
Check the Below Tricks and have some serious FUN with it .:
1. Pirate Language .: it’s a very great trick which
may be some of you know and for others its just a language which Facebook is officially providing in its account settings section and its really FUN selecting that thing as ur primary language as it really rules the Facebook.

To enable Pirate Language in Facebook, login to Facebook,
click on Account Tab,
click on Account Settings,
click on Language,
and in the Primary Language dropdown menu,
somewhere near the bottom, you would find English(Pirate).
Select it and be the captain of your Pirate Ship.

2. Turn Facebook Upside Down .: Similarly, you can also turn Facebook upside down by selecting English(Upside Down) from the Languages dropdown. This will flip the entire Facebook interface but your status updates would still be "normal".
Upside Down facebook
So enjoy these two awesome Facebook Tricks may these give you some ultimate experience and don’t forget to you know subscribe to our newsletter to get future updates right in your inbox.

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