NOTE: The articles mentioned in my blog is for educational purpose only. I am not responsible for any damaged caused by you.

Friday, 30 December 2011

New Google Tricks : Draw Heart in Google Search Bar

Hello my dearest visitors today i'm going to offer a new google cool trick for you have fun with google

  1.  Go to :)
  2. and copy the code from below and paste there have fun :D
(sqrt(cos(x))*cos(200*x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.1, sqrt(9-x^2),-sqrt(9-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5

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Thursday, 29 December 2011

Pak Cyber Combact Squad hacked 84 NATO(UK) sites


Pak Cyber Combact Squad has again done a mass deface. This time websites are from UK, not from India. If you are the regular reader of my website, you surely know the name of the group as it has defaced more than 150 websites in last 15 days. The group is too active these days.
This is the list of the hacked website:             

  • http://http/://
They have also posted a deface message on the website

"US and NATO Forces are involved in Organised butchary of Human race since it's inception.

They overthrow governments of sovereign nations and they undermine, threaten, refuse to recognise and seek to destroy

democratically elected governments like they are in Gaza, Palestine.
They support dictators as long as they are fulfilling US, EU & NATO interest in the region like they did in Pakistan

and Saudi Arabia.
In Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya at all they are killing Men,women & Children indiscriminately! And for what?

Certainly not to protect civilians as they will have you believe, rather to steal the natural resources of said nation

and to install a puppet regime who they can dominate for their own ends.
You speak of Freedom of speech and freedom of expression but you remain silent in the face of a people desire to seek

freedom to exist - unless those people are Israeli Zionists!
Hypocrisy of this magnitude will bring the chickens home to roost and not peace and security as is your mantra! "
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Tuesday, 27 December 2011

How to add profile pics in facebook chat

Facebook has added a new feature in chat. Now users can add faces to chat. here faces means profile pic of a person or group. You need to know profile id or username of the group or person whose pic you want to add on chat window.

follow these steps to add faces to chat-
Get the username or profile id of the person of the group.
Now write in chat [[username]] or [[user id]] and press enter.
See the magical effect.
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Monday, 26 December 2011

How to send password protected Email


Now a days, Email is the most common media for information interchange. It is used by most of the working person. Most of the popular email servers such as GMail, Yahoo mail, Hotmail and many other provide this email service for free. Users need to create a free account and then they can use their account for sending and recieveing emails.
But Cyber criminals are always try to hack passwords of users email account to read emails and misuse the account. Do you know? you can also protect each mail sent by you with a password for better information security. If some one maneged to get into the account, he would not be able to read the email without knowing the password. To send the password protect email, you have to use a third party service named as LockBin
  • go the link
  • Fill the form and send the mail. And also inform receiver that you have sent the mail and password as well
  • Recipient will get the email with a link. To read the email, he will have to go the link and verifiy the password which you have entered while sending the email.
  • After submitting password , Receiver can view message.
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Saturday, 17 December 2011

How To See Password Behind The Stars

Ever wanted to know what is behind those ******** passwords. For example if you want to know password from facebook account that somebody else have typed and left it. Here is post which will help you. .
How to break hidden passwords ********
This is simple. Just copy and paste the following javascript code when in your address bar whenever you are on a site with a login form and it will display the password behind ****** right away.
Javascript Code :

break password


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Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Beware! Facebook Scam "Yeahh!! It happens on Live Television!"

We recently covered about a facebook worm which targeted a whole lot of facebook users. It's really sad to see that these types of scams keep growing and facebook hasn't really been able to successfully give protection to their users from such scams.

A new bloke in the list "Yeahh!! It happens on Live Television!", the most viral one yet, is spreading like a wildfire among facebook users.

The following status on one of my friend's wall bought my attention first towards this scam:

Yeahh!! It happens on Live Television![LINK] 
Lol Checkout this video its very embracing moment for her
The lady is the above screen shot is Marika Fruscio an Italian Model, She had Wardrobe malfunction (Accidental exposure of intimate parts) on a live TV show, which is what the scam refers to.

On clicking the link, Facebook users are directed to the folllowing page:

In order to play the video the user has to click the button "jaa", which appears as an age verification system required in order to watch the video. when you click on "jaa" you are infact clicking on a hidden link which consequently post the same link on each of your contact's wall. Next a survey is prompted which the user needs fill in order to watch the video, thus helping the scammers make tons of money.

While searching related to the scam on the internet, I managed to find the source code of the scam on pastebin, This proves that there is not a single body behind this scam, with the source code available in public, any one could create a website and inject the malicious javascript in to it and start scamming.
One more thing to note is that in most such cases blogspot blogs are being targeted as they are free to create, You can create a blog in less than 5 minutes. If this keeps growing, I believe that blogger will stop giving free blogspot blogs and will maybe switch to a payed system or facebook would just disable blogspot domains from being shared, thus making it difficult for real bloggers to market their blogs.

How To Remove The Scam?

It's fairly easy to remove the scam, all you need to do is to report it to facebook.
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Monday, 12 December 2011

Beware! New Picture Worm Hits Facebook


From last few months, Facebook has been widely targeted for scam and spreading malware, One of the those spreading worm I discovered recently was when I was chatting with my friend, The following message from the sudden appeared.

hehehI!!! lool
From the above screenshot, you can clearly see that tinyurl has been used to shorten the URL, One more thing to note is that it's not an image file as image files end with .JPG extension then -jpg.

The above screenshot describes a more clear picture of what you are going to download along with the JPG file. The exe is basically a Zeus Trojan, Zeus is one of the most popular botnets used for stealing sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers. One of it's popular feature is an Anti VM and Anti Sandbox capability, Making it useless for testing it inside virtual environments. 

A scan at Virus total shows that only 3/18 URL scanners were able to detect it as a malware site, Rest of them failed. 

Kindly spread the news by sharing it with your friends and people you know, So they should not fall for the malware.
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Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Pak Cyber Combat Squad hackers hacked more than 100 websites


pakistani hackers are busy in attacking websites and taking them down. They have claimed to hack more than 100 websites and also posted a the links on

Pak Cyber Combact Squad, the hacker group has also posted the deface message,”We can see that you are trying to free us from the tyrannical regime of dictators where we have freedom, and are replacing it with a so called democracy where the political parties are just legalized form of street gangs, You killed our children in the name of revolution, You bombed and destroyed our homes in the name of collateral damage and left many of us disabled.”

I have also seen a news in Hindustan Times website saying that BSNL website was also hacked by Pakistani hacker groud Pakistan Cyber Army.\According to Telecom Talk, the hack was first spotted at 2:21 am on December 4th, 2011, and the group comprises of five hackers by the aliases x-c0p, nginx-adm1n, enc0der, k3rnel and sm0ky.

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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

How to use Google for Hacking

Google serves almost 80 percent of all search queries on the Internet, proving itself as the most popular search engine. However Google makes it possible to reach not only the publicly available information resources, but also gives access to some of the most confidential information that should never have been revealed. In this post I will show how to use Google for exploiting security vulnerabilities within websites. The following are some of the hacks that can be accomplished using Google.

1. Hacking Security Cameras

There exists many security cameras used for monitoring places like parking lots, college campus, road traffic etc. which can be hacked using Google so that you can view the images captured by those cameras in real time. All you have to do is use the following search query in Google. Type in Google search box exactly as follows and hit enter
Click on any of the search results (Top 5 recommended) and you will gain access to the live camera which has full controls. You will see something as follows

As you can see in the above screenshot, you now have access to the Live cameras which work in real-time. You can also move the cameras in all the four directions, perform actions such as zoom in and zoom out. This camera has really a less refresh rate. But there are other search queries through which you can gain access to other cameras which have faster refresh rates. So to access them just use the following search query.
intitle:”Live View / – AXIS”
Click on any of the search results to access a different set of live cameras. Thus you have hacked Security Cameras using Google.

2. Hacking Personal and Confidential Documents

Using Google it is possible to gain access to an email repository containing CV of hundreds of people which were created when applying for their jobs. The documents containing their Address, Phone, DOB, Education, Work experience etc. can be found just in seconds.
intitle:”curriculum vitae” “phone * * *” “address *” “e-mail”
You can gain access to a list of .xls (excel documents) which contain contact details including email addresses of large group of people. To do so type the following search query and hit enter.
filetype:xls inurl:”email.xls”
Also it’s possible to gain access to documents potentially containing information on bank accounts, financial summaries and credit card numbers using the following search query
intitle:index.of finances.xls

3. Hacking Google to gain access to Free Stuffs

Ever wondered how to hack Google for free music or ebooks. Well here is a way to do that. To download free music just enter the following query on google search box and hit enter.
“?intitle:index.of?mp3 eminem
Now you’ll gain access to the whole index of eminem album where in you can download the songs of your choice. Instead of eminem you can subtitute the name of your favorite album. To search for the ebooks all you have to do is replace “eminem” with your favorite book name. Also replace “mp3″ with “pdf” or “zip” or “rar”.
I hope you enjoy this post. Pass your comments. Cheers!
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Sunday, 20 November 2011

How To Get Facebook’s Timeline Now ?


You’ve been hearing about all the wonderful new Facebook features, and  you’re probably super-eager to get started with them.
If you’re willing to go through a series of eight steps, you can get into the brand-new Facebook Timeline right now.
Please note: If you haven’t already verified your Facebook account with either a mobile phone number or credit card number, you’ll be asked to do so before you can try the new features.

Facebook announced the new profile, timeline, but the beta version doesn’t won’t come out until at least the end of this month, if not later, and you have to sign up for it in advance — but, there’s a way to activate it right now, without the wait.

Facebook gives developers early access to timeline so they can develop applications for it. However, you don’t really have to be a real developer, just pretend to be one! Here’s how.

First, you’ll need to go to the Facebook developer page, which is a part of your Facebook account. Make sure you’re logged into your Facebook account, and then simply follow this link to get started.

Step 1: Start Facebook’s Developer Application

If you’ve never used this app before, you’ll need to allow it to access your basic information, the same way you would when launching anything else for the first time on Facebook.

After you’ve installed the Developer tool, click on “create a new app,” a button that appears in the top right corner of the screen.

Step Two: Make Up A Name

Developer asks you to provide some information about this app you just clicked the create button for.
A pop-up asks you to input a display name and a namespace, and two of them can’t be exactly the same. It’s simplest to type in your full name for the first field and then in the second area, type it in without any spaces between words.

Then a security popup window pops up, asking you to type in the letters you see.

Step Three: Launch Open Graph

Within the left-hand column, click on the words “open graph.”
Fill out two different verbs. You can use “get profile” or choose whatever you want.

Now you’re almost done.
After a few minutes, your profile will display a notification across the top suggesting you try timeline.
Click “get it now” and start playing with your timeline.


Enjoy :)

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Saturday, 19 November 2011

How to Play Hidden Snake Game on Youtube

We all visit youtube and watch videos but how many of us are aware of youtube hidden Snake game. I believe only a few people know about this hidden snake game. You can play this game on youtube while streaming any video. Snake game is one of the most interesting and traditional game in the world of gaming. In this tutorial I will show you how you can play this game on youtube.

1. Go to youtube and open any video for streaming

2. When the video is streaming Hold left button of mouse + Left arrow on keyboard + Top arrow on keyboard.

3. Now you will see that the streaming circle starting to move like a snake.

4. You can control the movements of the snake using arrow keys of your keyboard.

5. Try to play this game on youtube with videos having some dark background to increase visibility.

Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to post a comment!
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Learn How To Mask URL

    Phishing   is one of the most useful and simple methods for hacking email accounts. When sending a phishing mail you have to include the link to your phisher page, so instead of sending mail with actual URL that can create a sense of doubt in victim's mind, we can hide the URL. is an online service which enables you to hide/mask the url.

How to Mask a URL:

Consider you have hosted your phisher page and your phisher link is something like:

So, whenever victim checks out this link, he will find the link suspicious. This can be detrimental for our hack. The best way is to make this link less suspicious i.e. to hide/mask the URL.

1. Go to to hide a URL.

2. Enter your phisher link in the textbox and hit on Next.

3. Enter the link you want to rename your phisher link to.

4. Now, you can send this masked phisher link to your victim. The victim will now find our phisher link less suspicious as we have hidden the actual phisher link using .tk domain.


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Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Facebook Official Trick


Coolest Facebook Official Trick

So all of you use Facebook to interact with your Homies as I say in a gangsta language and you love to use it because it gives you a warm feeling of ur friends with you interacting and enjoying.
But who says we cannot have Fun with Facebook. Facebook do have some Easter eggs which make it a lot more Funny.
Check the Below Tricks and have some serious FUN with it .:
1. Pirate Language .: it’s a very great trick which
may be some of you know and for others its just a language which Facebook is officially providing in its account settings section and its really FUN selecting that thing as ur primary language as it really rules the Facebook.

To enable Pirate Language in Facebook, login to Facebook,
click on Account Tab,
click on Account Settings,
click on Language,
and in the Primary Language dropdown menu,
somewhere near the bottom, you would find English(Pirate).
Select it and be the captain of your Pirate Ship.

2. Turn Facebook Upside Down .: Similarly, you can also turn Facebook upside down by selecting English(Upside Down) from the Languages dropdown. This will flip the entire Facebook interface but your status updates would still be "normal".
Upside Down facebook
So enjoy these two awesome Facebook Tricks may these give you some ultimate experience and don’t forget to you know subscribe to our newsletter to get future updates right in your inbox.
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Wednesday, 9 November 2011

How to Manage Your Google Plus Page

In this tutorial i ll tell you how to manage your page:
To get to your personal Profile, click on the Google+ icon in the top left corner. You will notice the profile picture and icon of your business Page is displayed at the top of the left sidebar. To toggle to your personal account, click the down arrow and select your personal Profile avatar. Now you are managing Google Plus as your personal account. To toggle back to business, select the down arrow and choose your business Page icon.

How to Manage Your Circles
One big difference between a personal Profile and a business Page on Google Plus is that as a business, you can only add people to your circles if they add you first. So, here are a few tips for managing circles as a business:
1. Promote Your Account Publicly: It’s important to promote your new business Page to all the contacts you have in your personal Profile. Additionally, it’s a great idea to write a blog post about your new Page and share about it on Twitter and Facebook to build a diversified network across all spaces. You can also send an email to customers, clients, and social fans and followers to let them know about your new presence.
2. Circle Back: In order to share your content, you need to have people in your circles. So, it’s a good idea to “circle back” anyone who adds your business on Google Plus. To do this, go to your Circles tab, then click “people who have added you” to discover who you can add.
3. Circle Strategically: In order to get the most out of Google Plus, you want to create specific circles of connections, because you can share content directly with those circles, in addition to posting public updates. You can also view your streams by circles, meaning that you can filter the content that’s shared with you based on who is in different circles. So, consider creating circles that highlight what is important to you, such as: Current Customers, Employees, Fellow Business Owners, Community Pages, Other Followers, etc.
4. Share Circles Wisely: Once you’ve amassed enough people in each of your circles, you can share who is in certain circles with anyone you like, to encourage others to follow those accounts.

Enjoy :)
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Important Things To Know About Goole Plus Pages

I am so giddy with excitement that I could not even wait until tomorrow to tell you about this! As you know, Google announced today a solution for brands, the new Google+ Pages.

Google+ Pages


WOOHOO! Okay, now that I got that out of my system, let me tell you why I LOVE LOVE LOVE it and why I think Facebook has some serious competition on their hands. (Not to mention that I predicted a little over a year ago, Facebook will become the AOL of social networks within the next 5 years, make that 4 now).
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How to Create Google Plus Pages

Google has Lunched their new product call Google Plus before few months ago. meanwhile now they have lunched another new service at their Google Plus Product call as GOOGLE PAGES !! 

today post will help you to Create Google Plus Page for Free
t’s been a long time coming, but Google has finally given the official go-ahead for businesses to create profiles on the Google+ social network.

SO here's how to setup google page :

1. Click Here to Getting Start

2. Select a Category to your Google Plus Page

3. Fill out the the form with your information

4. Share your page any where and for any one ..
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Monday, 7 November 2011

How to Surf The Internet Without Any Browser

Ever find yourself sitting in front of a computer where Internet Explorer or Firefox was blocked by IT Administrator, and restricted you from installing any software? If that PC is running Windows XP, then there is chance for you to still surf Internet. Just follow these simple steps: 

1. Open Calculator, Start> Program Files> Accessories> Calculator or press Windows+R and type 'calc' in the run box, click OK

2. In Calculator, go to Help> Help Topics

3. Right click on the left hand side of the title bar and click on 'Jump to URL'. 

4. Type in the URL and make sure include the 'http://' at the beginning. 

Note: Basically what you are looking at is Internet Explorer 6 inside a help window, but this version of program isn’t quite smart as Internet 6. This was tested in Windows XP SP2 with Internet Explorer 6 and I’m not sure whether it will works in Internet Explorer 7 installed computer. 

Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to post a comment! 
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How To Login in windows XP After Password Forgot

So you forgot your Windows XP password? Don't worry - it happens to the best of us.
Here is a simple way to access Windows XP with Administrator rights and privileges if you have password protected your User account on your Windows XP system and can't remember the password(s) to login. Let's start:

1. Start your PC and come to Login Screen

2. Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE twice or thrice. It will open a new type of "LOGIN" Screen

3. In that screen type "administrator". In "username" and "password" type nothing if password is not set, otherwise enter the password known by you.

4. Login and change your password

If u don't know any password or username:

1. Start your PC and press "space bar" many times till safe mode option appear.

2. When "SAFEMODE" appears enter your system through safe mode, and it will directly lead u to enter without any passwords

3. Go to username and reset your password.

Hope you'll find this tutorial useful. 

Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to post a comment! 
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Login to Windows Live Messenger Using Any Email Account


Everybody has hotmail account, don’t they? I created my first email account in Hotmail 2 Years ago. MSN Hotmail and Yahoo were the heroes of free web mail system at that time, and still they are. Later in 2004, Gmail showed up with large email space capability. The only famous messenger was ICQ. Later Hotmail introduced MSN messenger, now they’ve named it Windows Live Messenger which we are using at the current date.

Since you have lots of email account in several domains, it is necessary to run their own messenger. Try to log in using your Gmail or Yahoo account, messenger will return with 80048821 error saying, Windows Live ID or Password is incorrect, because Gmail is not domain of MSN.

But after following this trick, you won’t have to open install multiple web messengers. Let met guide you how you can access Windows Live Messenger using your own email account which is not a domain of MSN. You’ll be able to login using Gmail, Yahoo or any email account you have.

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Sunday, 6 November 2011

How to increase your Internet Speed.

First of all go to and check your internet speed. then,
Click the start button
then type in the start menu system.ini
in the system.ini copy this (but don't replace)

page buffer=10000000Tbps

Tbps means Tera bytes per second which means the internet speed will improve

Compare both of the results and you ll get something better.
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Friday, 4 November 2011

Free premium accounts

Best Download Sites - Get full version Games, Applications, Movies, MP3s, TV Shows, eBooks, Software, Security/Hacking Tools...

In this article i will share a list of usernames and passwords of the premium accounts for Best download sites. All of the accounts are working 100%.
Here is the list:

1. (Download Movies, Music, PC Games, TV Shows)

Username : cinemanetwork20
Password : butterfly20

2. (Software, Movies, Music, TV Shows, Full version games)

Username : lo886Ees
Password : zAgt88er
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How To Request A New IP Address From Your ISP

- What is the most efficient way to generate a new external IP address from my ISP? -

I get variations on this question often. I'll tell you what to try:

1. Click Start
2. Click run
3. In the run box type cmd.exe and click OK
4. When the command prompt opens type the following: *Press 'enter' after each new line.

ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
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Detect Hidden Trojans on Your Computer

Learn How to Detect Hidden Trojans/Viruses/Keyloggers on Your PC

Are you beware that there is a hidden Trojan, Virus or Keylogger working on your PC and sending your logins to hackers?

If you are in that situations you don't need to worry anymore. In this post i will show you a security software called Process Revealer that can detect and kill hidden processes.

Process Revealer Free Edition is a free hidden process detector that reveals what does not appear in standard detection utilities like Windows Task Manager. Process Revealer provides detailed information about each process running on your computer to help you know if a process is related to a malicious program. Hidden programs are automatically highlighted in the interface and can be removed in one click.

Download Process Revealer Free Edition

Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to post a comment!
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Learn How To Block A Website.

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
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Get a Free Windows 7 Product Key

In this post I will share with my blog visitors a product key for Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 Build 64-bit (English).

Windows 7 is the next release of the Windows client operating system, built on the secure foundation of Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Performance, reliability, security, and compatibility are core tenets of this release as we collect your feedback to meet our engineering goals of making Windows 7 the best-performing and most stable Windows operating system to date. All the new innovations in this product are meant to enhance your capability as an IT professional to better provision and manage increasingly mobile PCs, to protect data, and to improve end-user and personal productivity.
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Thursday, 3 November 2011

How to Know the IP address of a person on Facebook.


This technique works when you are chatting with that person. The first demand of operation is to close all of the website and Messengers that you are using, even clean History and delete Cookies as precaution. Now start chatting with that person.

The first thing you do is to open start->run->cmd.exe now in it type following command:
netstat –an
and wait and watch ,the foreign address will be the IP address.
Now here's the question. what you can do with the IP adress ?
awww everything ;) i ll demonstrate it later. 
stay connected :)
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Website Hacking : an Introduction


hi guys, in this article i ll demonstrate How websites are hacked? this is just the introduction . i ll explain each method later, stay connected :)

Remote File Inclusion (RFI) :

A method of uploading a shell by an off-site link.
Local File Inclusion (LFI) AKA Directory traversal attack:

A method of pulling usernames and passwords off a website vulnerable to the exploit of
insufficient security validation / sanitization of user-supplied input file names.
Blind Structured Query Language Injection (blind SQLI):
Method of once again insufficiant security validation and sanitization of user-input.
Basic SQLi:

This is the easiest method of SQLi. This method allows you to enter codes such as ' or '1'='1
into the username and password fields to gain access. E.g. you find the admin login on a site
and you may enter the correct username admin and the password as: ' or '1'='1.
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Hello pals!
I'm very happy to meet you with this article. because of you i'm writing this article to give a full support for torrent download.  this article will cover following headings

1. What is Torrent?
2.How to use a Torrent file
3. How to download torrent through Internet download manager ;)

What is Torrent?

torrent s a collaborative file sharing - protocol , which is particularly suitable for the rapid distribution of large amounts of data. Unlike other file-sharing technology torrent is not a comprehensive file-sharing network, but builds to a separate file for each distribution.
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Wednesday, 2 November 2011


This is a Simple bit of JavaScript that can bypass payments, the site's need to be sites like these:
How to use it:
Copy the code (Below) Go to the page that you'r doing it on
Paste the link you copied into the URL and it should start.
(If you can find anymore please let me no.)

javascript:top.location=document.getElementsByName('return')[0].value; javascript:void(0);

Too find these site's Google - "this order button requires a JavaScript enabled browser"
Type that in the "quotes" into Google.

enjoy :)
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Sunday, 30 October 2011

Download video from youtube with out any software

Here is the easiest way to download any video from Youtube.

While playing the video on, Copy its location from the address bar like

then add the word ‘ kick’ between www. and…….


That’s it, Download without any other software or going to any other site, as their are many but this method is the best one according to me. 

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Facebook Status Prank : Best Funny Facebook Pranks And Tricks

Almost most of the FB tricks and Pranks are outdated and so theirs no way to lit that your friends will get amazed. But Today I came across one great Facebook Status Prank which is one of the best and cool Facebook Prank your friends are unaware of. Here we go..

Facebook Status Prank : Funny and Cool Facebook Tricks

When somebody updates his/her Facebook Status using any Gadget the name of that device gets mentioned below the status like via iPhone 4 which leaves the great impression of yours in front of your FB friends that you bought new Gadget. See the screenshot below :

How to Use this Facebook Status Prank ?

Just Login to your Facebook Account and use the below links according to your need :

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Secret Facebook Tricks : Post Empty Status & Comment On FB

Secret Facebook Tricks are in great demands since we all want to impress friends on Facebook. Usually we post awesome status to attract our friend's attention but what if we will post empty status ?? They will be amazed as its not possible to post empty status or comment on FB. You can even enjoy chatting without words to astonish your friends, Let move on to this New Facebook Tricks

Secret Facebook Tricks : Post Empty Status & Comment On FB

As mentioned earlier its not possible to post a blank status update by just pressing Space key, you even can't post empty comment like this. But now its possible to post empty comment or status with some special characters which will give you empty facebook status
Special Facebook Trick To Post Bank Status Update :
  • Login to Facebook Account and go to status update field
  • Press and keep holding Alt key and type 0173
  • Now release the key and click on share the post
  • You are done!
 You can even post empty comments and even can enjoy empty Chat with friends

Secret Facebook Tricks - Conclusion 

This is one of the new facebook tricks which is currently revealed on net, so enjoy!
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Friday, 28 October 2011

How to find IP address of a site ?

There are many ways to obtain and use a website's IP address. This is an easy way to find them using a PC.

1.Navigate to STARTRun...,
2.Enter "cmd" and press enter to open up the Command Prompt window.3.Enter "ping", followed by the name of the website (e.g. ping 
4.Take note of the results.

   The IP address will appear several times on the screen. IP addresses have four numbers, 0-255, separated by periods. This value can be used to bypass website blocks, create website blocks, and a lot more.

Now you may want to know what's the use of it !!! so heres it:

If you type the IP address into the address bar, it will go to the site, bypassing most filters.

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Convert your drive from FAT32 to NTFS file system

You may not know it, but choosing the right filesystem for your drives is actually pretty important. Although the main idea of all filesystems is the same, there are many advantages and disadvantages with each one.While there are lots of filesystems out there, we’ll be looking at the most popular two, FAT32 and NTFS.

About the Filesystems


FAT32 used to be the default filesystem for many of the older, non-NT versions of Windows, such as Windows 95, 98, and ME. The original FAT specification was introduced in 1980, while the compatible FAT32 specification was introduced in 1996. More recently, an incompatible exFAT specification has been introduced that is meant to replace the use of the old FAT.
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10 youtube URL tricks you should know

youtube url tricks Youtube – You know that site with videos and all. Yeah! It turns out that its quite popular and you happen to visit and use it quite often. Instead of just searching and playing here are some top Youtube URL tricks that you should know about:

1. View high quality videos

Youtube gives you the option to switch to high quality videos for some of the videos, however you can check if a video is available in high quality format by appending ‘&fmt=18′(stereo, 480 x 270 resolution) or ‘&fmt=22′(stereo, 1280 x 720 resolution) for even higher quality.

2. Embed Higher Quality Videos

While the above trick works for playback, if however you want to embed hig quality videos you need to append “&ap=%2526fmt%3D18″ and “&ap=%2526fmt%3D22″ to the embed url.
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Thursday, 27 October 2011

9 Reasons to Switch from Facebook to Google+


When people ask can Google+ beat Facebook?” they’re misstating the question. It’s not about one site versus another site. Google+ is bigger than that. The reason Google calls it the “Google+ Project” is that Google+ will become a central part of Google’s whole identity. It will reshape the company. So the real question is “can Google beat Facebook?” Put that way, the contest seems a lot more even.
Facebook, of course, has a huge head start, but there are good reasons for people to seriously consider dumping Facebook for Google+.
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How To Speed Up Internet Browsing And HTTP Requests

With a simple Registry tweak, it is now possible to speed up your Internet browsing by increasing the number of simultaneous requests to an HTTP server. Before you apply this tip, it is highly recommended to back up Windows registry, or create a system restore point so that you be in the safe side when something wrong occurs.

Get Started
1. Press Windows+R keys, type regedit, then press Enter.

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How to delete an "undeletable" file.

Some times you wish to delete a file but you can't, you see something like this:

So here's how to Delete An “undeletable” File.
Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open.
Close all open programs.
Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE
Go to the Processes tab and End Process on Explorer.exe.
Leave Task Manager open.
Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory the AVI (or other undeletable file) is located in.
At the command prompt type DEL <filename> where <filename> is the file you wish to delete.
Go back to Task Manager, click File, New Task and enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the GUI shell.
Close Task Manager.
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